European project KEEP: it’s a wrap!

After a three-year flurry of activity, the European project KEEP on digital innovation in education is coming to an end. The main outcomes and take-aways will be presented during a closing event in Paris.


KEEP (Key Engaging Educational Practices) is an Erasmus+ project financed by the European Commission and coordinated by France Éducation international, with support from four European countries – France, Greece, Poland and Belgium. The project highlights innovate practices implemented by secondary school teachers in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic and it has shown how committed France Éducation international is to developing digital education.

Results and final phase

The project entered its final phase in January 2023. In recent months, the two key deliverables were finalised, namely the contextualisation report on innovative practices and the creation of twenty portraits of European teachers, i.e. five per country. The portraits – created to promote the teaching practices, challenges and opportunities encountered in the four participating countries – were shared during conferences, in each of the partner countries, which were attended by teachers, inspectors and representatives of research institutes.

The diagnosis, contextualisation and teacher portraits form the basis for the two final documents: the transnational analysis of teaching practices and the final project recommendations.

To find out more about the outcomes of the KEEP project, download the detailed information available in French and English.

Listen to the series of podcasts called “Online teaching: KEEP it up!” dedicated to teacher profiles, available on YouTube.

Closing conference

KEEP will officially come to an end in May 2023 during a conference in Paris that will take place at the CNAM, the National Conservatoire of Arts and Trades. During the event, the final recommendations will be presented to teachers, trainers and all others involved in education in France and in Europe.

The two days will also be devoted to closing the GATE project, which seeks to raise awareness about gender and tackle stereotypes in education from the primary school level. During the conference, lectures and hands-on workshops will be used to explain the approaches used and to present the project outcomes. The results will be made available to everyone in the form of open-access documents in France, Europe and the world.

If you would like to attend the closing conference, please sign up here.