Our diplomas and language tests

The Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports offers a wide range of certifications in French as a foreign language to confirm skills in French, from learning as a beginner to more advanced levels. France Éducation international, a public service provider, is responsible for these certifications on behalf of the ministry.
The range of certifications is made up of diplomas and tests: initial diploma in French language (DILF), diploma in French language studies (DELF), diploma in advanced French language studies (DALF) and French knowledge test (TCF). These certifications are offered around the world thanks to the more than 1,200 exam centres that work under the aegis of France Éducation international. Read the brochure for an overview of our French-language certifications.
Ev@lang is a language aptitude test that allows you to determine your level in French, English or Arabic. This test is used by language centres and companies to place individuals in a foreign-language skill level.

The Evaluation and Certification Department of France Education International is ISO 9001 certified. This internationally recognized quality standard ensures the quality of the design and production procedures of subjects, distribution, operational and commercial management, as well as the management of sessions for diplomas and tests.
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Les informations contenues dans cette page s’adressent aux établissements et aux professionnels du secteur éducatif.
Une épreuve d’entraînement offre la possibilité au candidat de se préparer avant de passer l’examen officiel du DELF.
Tous nos tests 4
Règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD)
Tous nos centres de passation du TCF géolocalisés dans le monde
Un organisme peut obtenir un agrément allant d’un à trois ans.