The initial diploma in French language (DILF) is a French as a foreign language diploma that evaluates initial learning (A1.1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages by the European Council). This is a diploma issued by the Ministry of National Education.
General Information
The DILF is a diploma in French as a foreign language that assesses initial learning (level A1.1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages by the Council of Europe). It is issued by the Ministry of Education.
The DILF is developed using official tools and standards:
- Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (www.coe.int)
- Référentiel pour les premiers acquis en français (www.didierfle.com)
- International standards for designing tests (www.alte.org)
The DILF is positioned in line with French foreign language diplomas from the Ministry of National Education. It is the first step towards the DELF and the DALF.
Target groups
This diploma can be offered to all groups with a minimal level of skill in French: complete beginners in French as a foreign language and new arrivals to France, often with little or poor education from their home countries and sometimes unable to read or write. DILF candidates must be at least 16 years old on the date of the first test.
About the tests
The DILF tests have been designed in accordance with the principles of the action-based perspective given in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, which defines language users as social actors needing to accomplish tasks (that are not only linguistic) in circumstances and a given environment within a particular area of action (personal, public, educational or professional).
There are 4 parts to the DILF exams, which evaluate the following language skills: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, verbal skills and written skills.
Due to the level being evaluated (A1.1), a major focus is on listening and verbal skills: 70 points for verbal tests and 30 points for written tests.
Description of the tests:
Test level: |
Duration |
Score out of |
Group test | |||
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Listening comprehension
25 min | 35 points |
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Reading comprehension
25 min | 15 points |
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Written skills
15 min | 15 points |
Individual test | |||
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Verbal skills
10 min | 35 points |
Note totale |
100 |
Total duration of tests: 1 hour 15
Total score out of 100
Score needed to earn the diploma: 50/100
Minimum score required for the verbal tests: 35/70
The DILF is offered only on French territory.
Register directly at approved exam centres. To register yourself or register DILF candidates, get in touch with the exam centre of your choice.
Use our map to find your nearest centre!
The schedule of DILF sessions is put together by the departments of France Éducation international. It can be viewed in PDF format at the bottom of this page and in the linked documents.
The cost of registering for the diploma is set by each approved exam centre. For more information about prices, get in touch with the exam centre of your choice.
The DILF tests are marked by authorised teams trained by France Éducation international experts.
The exam centres issue results to candidates after approval by France Éducation international teams.
The assessors’ decisions cannot be appealed: candidates cannot contest their scores. If the candidate wants to see their test papers, they must send a written request to France Éducation international.
If eligible, a diploma that is valid for life will be issued.
Preparation for tests
Two guides to prepare for the DILF tests are available to candidates from French publishers.
- Réussir le DILF, Didier FLE
- ABC DILF, CLE international
There is also Référentiel, niveau A1.1 pour le français from Didier FLE. This book describes the language skills expected from a foreign speaker who is starting to learn French. It is an educational tool aimed at professionals (teachers, educators, training centres).
Vous pouvez également utiliser les outils conçus par le Projet FOCAALE – Français opérationnel et contextualisé pour adultes en apprentissage de la lecture-écriture. Son objectif est d'améliorer les outils destinés à l’apprentissage de la lecture-écriture par les migrants adultes et former les enseignants de FLE intervenant auprès de ce public.
Afin de vous préparer à l’examen du DILF, vous retrouverez ici des exemples de sujets :
You can also use the tools developed by the FOCAALE Project - Français opérationnel et contextualisé pour adultes en apprentissage de la lecture-écriture. Its aim is to improve tools for adult migrants learning to read and write and to train FLE teachers working with this group.
To help you prepare for the DILF exam, you will find examples of subjects here:
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