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The Conditions for Successful Education Reforms

 International symposium, from 12 to 14 June 2019


The Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres organized, from 12 to 14 June 2019, an international symposium entitled “The Conditions for Successful Educational Reforms.”

The symposium brought together around sixty high-level speakers, ministers and former ministers of education, researchers and academics, as well as trainers and education officials from thirty countries.

At the heart of this symposium was an essential question: What is meant by the success of an education system, and why did some education systems do better than others? Could we identify a number of conditions that were essential for a reform to effectively and positively transform a country's education system?

The aspiration of the symposium was to highlight a number of useful levers for action, taking into account different aspects: political decision-making, the various educational actors in charge of implementation, as well as evaluation and research.

It was open by invitation to 120 French and foreign participants.
