DELF, DALF, TCF: 2022 marks a resurgence

What is the outcome of French language certifications undertaken in 2022? While 2020 and 2021 were characterised by a downturn in the activity of French as a foreign language examination centres (schools, universities, establishments in the French cultural network and associations) due to coronavirus restrictions, the figures for 2022 confirm the long-awaited resurgence in the demand for French language qualifications and tests in Europe and around the world.
DELF and DALF graduates growing in number
Even though 2022 did not reach the record numbers of 2019, it marks the recovery of DELF and DALF examination centre activity with more than 457,000 candidates, i.e. an increase of 17% compared to 2021.
During 2022, 1,236 examination centres in 167 countries held exam sessions. The 37,000 examiners/markers played a key role in the system and worked to ensure the smooth running of sessions.
Since these qualifications were created in 1985, more than 9 million candidates have taken the DELF and DALF.
TCF celebrates its 20th anniversary and passes the 100,000 session mark
In 2022, the French competency test celebrated its 20th anniversary. Since it was created, more than 2 million candidates have obtained a certificate of achievement in the French language test and have thus been able to realise their personal and professional plans.
After a record year in 2021, 2022 saw TCF quotas level out at around 187,000 candidates registered across the 750 approved centres.
Lastly, it is a source of satisfaction for all those involved in the system that at the beginning of 2023 the TCF passed the symbolic mark of 100,000 sessions organised since it was created.
What is the outlook for 2023?
The encouraging figures for 2022 are based on the commitment of all those involved in the certification system delivered by France Education International.
With the reopening of borders and the resumption of global mobility, these figures show promising signs for 2023 for all French language certifications, which remain a strong benchmark in an increasingly competitive context.
Certifications de français en 2022