Strategy against fraud in DILF-DELF-DALF and TCF exams

The French language certificates issued by France Éducation international boasts a solid reputation. Major national and international institutions use them since they guarantee a reliable level of language when dealing with projects linked to high-risk life projects, such as obtaining a permanent resident card, citizenship or even access to higher education and employability.
In order to maintain reliability and quality of their diplomas and tests, the Evaluation and Certifications Department of France Éducation international has been implementing a strategy for several years to reduce fraud attempts, such as identity theft or telephone use. Procedures have been put in place to prevent any attempts during DILF-DELF-DALF and TCF exams.
The invigilator plays a prominent role in this system as they are on the front line. A module on the FEI+ distance learning platform is dedicated to professionalising the DELF-DALF invigilator’s work, explaining how to act in cases of obvious fraud.
In the event of attempted fraud, the centre’s manager draws up a referral file based on the invigilator’s report, with proof of the fraud attached. A disciplinary committee meets every 15 days at France Éducation international to review the files. After deliberation, the statement is signed and returned to the examination or testing centre, which keeps a copy for 5 years, and then sent to the candidate.
The graph below shows the types of fraud, the levels involved as well as information on the administrative processing of reported cases. For more information on the fight against fraud in French exams and tests, please visit the page about this topic on France Éducation international’s website.