Recognition of refugees’ qualifications, a priority for ENIC-NARIC France centre’s qualification recognition department (DRD) and its partners

A significant increase in the number of applications for certificates of refugee status in 2022
2022 was marked by a significant increase in the number of requests for certificates of comparability sent to the DRD at the ENIC-NARIC France centre for Ukrainian diplomas, mirroring the dramatic geopolitical situation. A significant proportion involved refugees, asylum seekers and persons granted subsidiary or temporary protection. With an increase of 150% of Ukrainian files between 2021 and 2022, Ukraine is now in eighth place for the number of files examined and first place for applications from refugees.
Classification of refugee files examined (2022)
Syrian Arab Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
The increase in the number of refugee cases is in fact broad, with refugees accounting for approximately 15% of the demand in 2022, compared to around 10% in 2021. This situation underlines the importance of the actions carried out for several years by the DRD at the ENIC-NARIC France centre and its partners in order to facilitate the recognition of qualifications held by refugees, in order to improve social, professional and academic integration.
Amongst the actions taken, the DRD at the ENIC-NARIC France centre processes requests for comparability certificates from refugees free of charge, as a matter of priority and in a flexible manner. As an active member of several working groups aiming to improve qualification recognition procedures and compliance with article VII of the Lisbon Recognition Convention, it also participates in the “European Qualifications Passport for Refugees” (EQPR) project led by the Council of Europe. It also participates in the work of the MEnS “Migrants in Higher Education” association. Finally, it maintains close links with the interministerial committee for welcoming and integrating refugees (Diair).
Sharing experiences between countries: an essential part of the system
The “ European Qualifications Passport for Refugees ” project was launched in 2017 by the Council of Europe to help member states assess the qualifications of refugees without academic documents and to facilitate their integration in the host country.
The DRD at the ENIC-NARIC France centre, a partner in this project, is regularly invited to share its experience gained in this field. Last June they led a workshop at the annual meeting of the ENIC-NARIC network in Dublin, and spoke in Bucharest and Warsaw following an invitation by the Council of Europe and the ENIC-NARIC centres in these countries.
In addition, after having co-organised and hosted an evaluation interview session in Sèvres in May 2022, France Éducation international experts contributed to sessions organised at the University of Warsaw and the University of Turin at the end of 2022.
Complementarity between existing systems
As a continuation of its contributions to the activities of the MEnS association, the DRD at the ENIC-NARIC France centre led, as requested by the network, training on the recognition of qualifications and the procedures put in place for refugees and asylum seekers.
Organised on 12 January, this webinar highlighted the complementarity between the attestations of the DRD at the ENIC-NARIC France centre and the “ European Qualifications Passport for Refugees ” project. When applicants are not able to document their academic background, they are referred to the EQPR initiative, which facilitates the recognition of qualifications of refugees in this situation, based on interviews with experts from ENIC-NARIC partner centres.
In addition to strengthening the links between different partners, this joint work provides real added value for the public. In 2023, the DRD at the ENIC-NARIC France centre will continue its commitment to this important issue.