Suivre France Éducation international

To obtain a reference to a French-language course as part of a naturalisation application

Since 1 April 2020, the statement of comparability issued by the ENIC-NARIC France centre can, under certain circumstances and depending on the country in which the qualification was obtained, be used as part of a naturalisation application.


As of 1 April 2020, at the request of the Department of Integration and Access to Nationality (DIAN, formerly DAAEN) of the Ministry of the Interior, the ENIC-NARIC France centre can issue a statement of comparability to naturalisation applicants that specifies that they undertook a French-language course in one of the 31 States mentioned in the decree of 12 March 2020 outlining the conditions for issuing the statement of comparability. Therefore, it allows the users concerned to be exempt from needing to provide a document that proves the B1 level required for naturalisation.

If the qualification presented by the individual was completed in a country where French is not the sole official language, they must ask their home institute for a certificate confirming that the course was conducted in French.

When it cannot be established that the course was in French or when the user does not have the time needed to have an expert assessment of their qualification, they will be redirected to the French competency test – Integration, Residence and Nationality, which is also offered by France Éducation international.

List of countries involved

  • République algérienne démocratique et populaire ;
  • Royaume de Belgique ;
  • République du Bénin ;
  • Burkina Faso ;
  • République du Burundi ;
  • République du Cameroun ;
  • Canada ;
  • République centrafricaine ;
  • Union des Comores ;
  • République du Congo ;
  • République démocratique du Congo ;
  • République de Côte d’Ivoire ;
  • République de Djibouti ;
  • République gabonaise ;
  • République de Guinée ;
  • République de Guinée équatoriale ;
  • République d’Haïti ;
  • Grand-Duché de Luxembourg ;
  • République de Madagascar ;
  • République du Mali ;
  • Royaume du Maroc ;
  • Principauté de Monaco ;
  • République du Niger ;
  • République du Rwanda ;
  • République du Sénégal ;
  • République des Seychelles ;
  • Confédération suisse ;
  • République du Tchad ;
  • République togolaise ;
  • République tunisienne ;
  • République du Vanuatu.

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